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Untuk mulai mempraktekkan apa yang kamu sudah pelajari, terdapat beberapa materi yang bisa kamu gunakan untuk melengkapi topik tentang produktivitas.Ada banyak sumber lainnya yang bisa kamu pelajari, bahkan kami sediakan juga beragam aplikasi yang dapat membantu kamu untuk mengatur energi, fokus, dan waktu.


Get Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity
by David Allen

In today's world, yesterday's methods just don't work. In Getting Things Done, veteran coach and management consultant David Allen shares the breakthrough methods for stress-free performance that he has introduced to tens of thousands of people across the country.

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time
by Brian Tracy

Eat That Frog! is one of the best books on time management ever written, an international bestseller with over a million and a half copies sold that's been translated into more than forty languages. Now Brian Tracy has updated this modern classic with two brand-new chapters, making it even more essential than before. ff

The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal
by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz

This groundbreaking New York Times bestseller has helped hundreds of thousands of people at work and at home balance stress and recovery and sustain high performance despite crushing workloads and 24/7 demands on their time. “Combines the gritty toughmindedness of the best coaches with the gentle-but-insistent inspiration of the most effective spiritual advisers” (Fast Company).

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
by Charles Duhigg

In The Power of Habit, Pulitzer Prize–winning business reporter Charles Duhigg takes us to the thrilling edge of scientific discoveries that explain why habits exist and how they can be changed. Distilling vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives that take us from the boardrooms of Procter & Gamble to sidelines of the NFL to the front lines of the civil rights movement, Duhigg presents a whole new understanding of human nature and its potential.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
by Stephen R. Covey

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and pointed anecdotes, Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, service, and human dignity--principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.


Situs Web

A Life of Productivity
Formerly A Year Of Productivity
Marc & Angel
Practical Tips for Productive Living
Dumb Little Man
Tips For Life
Life Hacker
Tips and downloads for getting things done
Steve Pavlina
Personal Development for Smart People
Productivity 501
Pieces of the productivity puzzle.
Barking Up The Wrong Tree
This site brings you science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life.
Life Hack
Tips For Life


To Do & Priority

Trello gives you perspective over all your projects, at work and at home.
Wunderlist is a simple to-do list and task manager app that helps you get stuff done.
Treat your life like a game to stay motivated and organized!
Swipes has been voted as one of the world’s top 5 productivity apps


Microsoft One Note
Capture your thoughts, discoveries, and ideas with OneNote, your very own digital notebook.
Let Evernote change the way you organize your personal and professional projects.


ClearFocus is a time-management app which makes you more productive
An app to block distracting websites like Facebook and Reddit


Calm is the #1 app for mindfulness and meditation to bring more clarity, joy and peace to your daily life
7 Minute Workout
Let Evernote change the way you organize your personal and professional projects.